Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's been a while...

It's been over three months since my last blog post. 

So sorry for the absence. We moved in the first part of June and we are feeling like we are still getting settled. 

The next big thing on my family's radar is Mia starting Preschool in a week. She will only be going two half-days a week, but it will be her first time ever really being away from me (or Daddy or grandparents)...and I'm a little nervous to see how it goes. 

I was really worried about how moving to a new home would affect her...but she totally surprised me and handled the change significantly better than both my husband and I did! A couple of weeks before we moved, I found a bunch of books about moving at the library and we read them often. I know it helped a lot. 

So, we've been reading books about starting school. I thought I'd share the titles we have from the library right now. I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner, as I know lots of kids have already started school, but...maybe this will still be helpful. 

Curious George's First Day of School 
Margaret Rey 

Froggy Goes to School 
Jonathan London 

How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?
Jane Yolen 

I Don't Want to Go to School 
Stephanie Blake 

I Love School!
Philemon Sturges 

The Kissing Hand 
Audrey Penn 

Llama Llama Misses Mama 
Anna Dewdney 

Maisy Goes to Preschool 
Lucy Cousins 

Mama, Don't Go!
Rosemary Wells 

Timothy Goes to School 
Rosemary Wells 

What are your favorite children's books about going to school? I'd love to hear. 

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